Book a 30-minute demo and learn how Kula can help you hire faster and smarter with AI and automation
Just ask and get instant hiring analytics and insights whenever you need them—whether in meetings, prepping for a presentation, or following a hunch.
Rank candidates with AI-powered scores tailored to your criteria like education, skills, and experience. Save time by skipping unqualified profiles. See how it works:
Set your ideal criteria for the perfect fit.
Instantly review profiles at scale with our unbiased AI-scoring system.
Spot top candidates with high scores and see a clear breakdown of every AI score.
Forget frantic note-taking. Get interview recordings and AI summaries for smooth debriefs, plus auto-filled scorecards for quick, effortless feedback.
Instant access to recorded interviews, summaries, and transcripts for efficient debriefs.
Effortlessly gather interviewer feedback with auto-filled scorecards based on the conversation.
Close feedback gaps and gain clarity instantly with an AI assistant that delivers insights from every interview in seconds.
Go live faster with AI-crafted job descriptions. Scale your outreach effortlessly with AI-personalized emails tailored to your chosen inputs and hyper-personalized to include candidate skills, experience, professional background, and more.
5X more efficient hiring
NYC LL 144 compliant
Meets fairness benchmarks
Built on native AI